About Us
About Late Shri Naresh Kumar kushwah Ji
Shri Naresh Kumar kushwah was born on dated 01.05.1976 at
Khwaspura, Kheria Mod, Agra (U.P.). His father's name is Shri
Kailashiram Kushwah and mother's name is Late Smt. Safedi Devi
Kushwah. He was married to Chetana Kushwah D/O Late Shri
Mahendra Singh Kushwah R/O Ghari Chandni, Yamuna Bridge,
Agra (U.P.) in the year 2004. He have two daughter named Kanishka
kushwah & Anushaka Kuwshwah.
Shri Naresh Kumar kushwah passed his Highschool examination
from Beni Singh High Secondrary School, Baluganj, Agra (U.P.)
and Intermidieate examination form LBS Inter College, Madhu
Nagar, Agra (U.P.). He passed his B.A. & M.A. (Economices) from
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, University, Agra.
Shri Naresh Kumar Kushwabh actively participated in Scout Guide & NCC in his school days. But he was mostly associated with the
Scout Guide Services. He received many certificates from the Scout
Guide service. He was awarded the Scout Guide Certificate by the
President of India while serving as a Scout Guide. He got a job in
West Central Railway 9th April of 2011 under Scout Guide Quota.
He was devoted to Scout Guide as well as othet Social Services
during his short life period.
He lost his life at a young age on dated 07.08.2019 after suffering with chronic disease of Brain Tumer.
This Trust has been formed beloved of his social work and to pay true tribute to him so that his name will live forever.
1. Establishment of advanced level 'Gau Sewa and Gau Raksha Centres’.
The concept of 'Gau Sewa and Gau Raksha Centres' is something out of the context
for Indian culture. The Cow is considered as a figure of a Mother in the Hindu
religion. The Main object of our organization is to provide services to the sick and
weak cows who are helpless and die due to starvation. We will provide them proper
healthy environmental cowsheds with proper supply of Water, Straw, Green Fodder
and Medical Treatment for ailing Cows.
2. Establishment of advanced level 'Old Age Home and Shelter Houses'.
The concept of 'Old Age Home and Shelter Houses' is something out of the context
for Indian culture. We have always been taught to find heaven in the feet of our
parents. India has always been proud of its family culture. The materialistic lifestyle
and the practical nature have left the younger generation with very little time to look
after their parents. Many of them send their parents to old age‘homes thinking of
them as liability. Some aged people neither have a job for their lively hood nor a
house for shelter. In the same manner many widows are also usually found begging
for a penny and struggling to earn a living. Our objective is to provide safe havens for
the aged where they can live their lives with self-respect, dignity and enjoy the last
years at peace with themselves and the world.
Our Organisation is also going to establish 'Smt. Vimla Devi
Kushwah Gau Sewa and Gau Raksha Centres' & ' Mahendra Singh
Kushwah Memorial Old Age Home and Shelter Houses' especially in Near Madnpura village, Fatehpursikari, Agra (U.P.